Product Description
- Flavor Profile: lean, mild to mild flavored, and sweet
- Texture Profile: moderately firm, moist flakes, dense, steaky
- Pack Size: by the pound
- Origin: Hawaii, South Pacific, Eastern Central Pacific, East Coast and Florida
- Catch Method: trolling lines and shallow-set longlines
- Seasonality: year-round
- Sustainability Rating: Best Choice (US Atlantic, trolling lines) / Good Alternative (Hawaii and Eastern Central Pacific, trolling lines and shallow-set longlines) - Monterey Bay Aquarium Seafood Watch
- Recommended Preparation: seared, grilled, fried, steamed
- Nutritional Info (serving size 1/2 pound) Calories 245, Fat 2.2g, Cholesterol 214mg, Sodium 250mg, Carbohydrates 0g, Fiber, 0g, Sugars 0g, Protein 40g, Calcium 0mg, Iron 3mg, Potassium 1194mg, Vitamin A 417 IU, Vitamin D 0 UI, Omega 3's 354mg
Mahi Mahi inhabits the tropics and sub-tropics worldwide and is harvested using shallow-set longlines and troll lines. We source only 20/up fish in round weight and most of our Mahi is coming out of Hawaii. We will also receive product out of the Western Pacific, Florida, and the Gulf of Mexico when migratory patterns change throughout the year. Mahi populations are at recommended levels and are sustainable because of its early maturity age, fast growth, wide geographical distribution, and responsible fishery management by NOAA and the Pacific Fishery Management Council.